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Primary school admissions September 2025

Please read the admissions information booklet before you apply to help you understand the admissions process and make an informed choice. 

View the information on our website

View the booklet as a PDF (PDF, 713 KB)(opens new window)


The primary school application system closed on 17 January 2025.

If you need to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 and your child's date of birth is between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, please submit a late application form.

Primary school admissions (to start reception class in September 2025)

Primary School National Offer Day - 16 April 2025

If you live in Gateshead and applied online for your child's secondary school place, you will receive an email on 16 April 2025 confirming which school your child has been offered.

All applicants that live in Gateshead will also receive a letter confirming their offer.  Letters will be posted first class on Tuesday 15 April 2025.  We cannot guarantee what day you will receive your letter as this will depend on the postal service in your area.

Acceptance of a place

We automatically assume that you want to accept the school place offered. The school you have been offered will write to you in the coming months regarding your child's transition arrangements for September.

Please only contact us if you want to refuse the school place your child has been offered, however we strongly advise you keep hold of this place, even if it's not your ideal preference.  This will not affect your chances of being offered a place at a higher ranked school if a pace becomes available from the waiting list, nor will it affect any appeal you may choose to submit.

If you have been refused a place at your chosen school(s)

If your child is refused a place at one or more of the schools you requested, your child will automatically be placed on the waiting list for these schools. We will contact you if a place becomes available for your child from the waiting list. The letter you receive will also explain what the next steps are and how you can appeal against the decision to refuse your child a place. Please await your letter for further information.

Additional Information

The School Admissions Team are unable to confirm offers verbally over the telephone, please do not contact them for this reason, you must wait for your letter/email.

Primary (reception class) and junior (year 3) admissions timeline

9 September 2024Online system opens for parents to apply 
15 January 2025 (extended until 17 January 2025)Closing date for submitting applications
16 April 2025Offer letters and emails sent to parents
16 May 2025Any places that become available will be offered from the schools waiting list
June/July 2025Appeals heard

For common issues and questions about admissions see the information section of our admissions guide.

Ofsted inspections

Ofsted are changing the way they inspect and report on schools. Find out about the Education Inspection Framework (opens new window) and how the changes might effect you as a parent/guardian.

Contact us

Education Support Service
School Admissions Team
Floor 2
Civic Centre

0191 433 6185 or 0191 433 3909